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This is you sort-of mid-week look at some epic Linux gaming deals going on right now, a look across various stores to find you some deals ready for the weekend ahead.
Gremlins, Inc. is a very interesting strategy board game with a steampunk world, it's now been out for three years and they have a huge discount on Steam.
Two bits of Paradox Interactive stuff to cover today! First, the have a big sale going on the Humble Store with loads of Linux games and they've also opened a new game dev studio.
Always on the look out for a good deal, Humble Store recently announced their Square Enix sale and there's some good choices for cash-strapped Linux gamers.
Ah yes, another weekend is about to crash into our lives and so you're looking for a new game to sink some hours into. Let's have a look at what's available.
Humble are doing an encore of their Winter Sale and they're giving away another free game with Deponia: The Complete Journey. On top of that, if you spend at least $5 they give you a copy of Insurgency free too.